I have been kicking around the idea of making our own family home management notebook. The gals of Twitter have been very helpful in sharing their tips and notebook examples. While I LOVE paper, I wasn't sure that a paper and pen version would work the best for our family.
I started researching online home management systems. I found this particular
blog helpful. I searched for templates on Google Docs, but didn't find anything that thrilled me.
Then I started to get overwhelmed. Breathe, N, breathe!
So I started slow. J and I both use Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Drive. I have created the following so far:
Family Calendar - I have this shared with J on Google Calendar. So far, I've put all of Truffle's appointments and flea medicine reminders on the calendar. His reminders are color coded in green. I've put in my remaining doctor's appointments and color coded those in blue. I anticipate putting Jack's appointments, Birthdays, and other important events on this calendar.
Truffle Information - This is shared via Google Drive. I typed up a control document with the following information on our favorite pooch:
- Microchip Information
- Feeding Schedule (including food portions, brands and where to buy, acceptable treats, unacceptable food)
- Bathroom Schedule
- Medicine Information (Preventative)
- Truffle Quirks
- Favorite Toys
- Vet information
Truffle Medical Records - This is shared via Google Drive. I used Google Docs' Spreadsheet to list the last dates of Truffle's shots, visits etc. I also included the anticipated next dates for any medical needs. Our Vet's office provides this listing every time we visit, so the information was readily available.
Medical Contact Information - This is shared via Google Drive. I used Google Docs' Spreadsheet to list the following information on our doctors:
- Name
- Practice Name
- Speciality
- Address
- Phone Number
- Special Notes
- Website link (embedded in spreadsheet to enable us to click links)
That's all I have for now. There is so much more to add, including cleaning schedule, meal plans (a challenge as J does all the cooking), pantry/supply inventory, and (of course) Jack information!
It remains to be seen if an online management system will work best for us in the long term. However, I look forward to seeing how it works out! Hopefully, I'll be able to post some pros and cons of online management after a few months of using.
Do you have a home management notebook or binder? I'd love to hear your tips on information you think I should have available!