(1) PHR exam - I did not complete this goal. I even bought some study guides. However learning a new job quickly took over as a 2013 professional goal. I'm recommitting to this goal for 2014. So much so that I listed it on my self-appraisal at work. Yikes. Nothing like telling your boss that lights a fire under you!
(2) Attend a fundraiser - Check! In March, we attended a fundraiser for the Second Harvest Food Bank.
(3) Be more intentional/acts of kindness - Check! I think this will always be a goal of mine. This was a continuation from 2012. Here are some of the things I did to meet this goal:
- Volunteered to edit and revamped several friends' resumes (Both IRL and Twitter friends)
- On being intentional with my time - I joined the Junior League of Jacksonville in August. I have really enjoyed learning about the organization, spending time with other women who have a spirit of giving back to the community and participating in various volunteer activities.
- Baking for my co-workers on their birthdays
- Helping out a busy friend by wrapping her family Christmas presents
- Participating in a Seven Project bible study - The food, possessions and media areas were big lessons in intentionality for me.
- Started blogging on fiscal responsibility, helping me to be more intentional about where our money goes
- Increased philanthropy, which I shared here
Still finalizing my 2014 goals. Nothing like a little procrastination to start the year!
Happy New Year!!